My theme for 2014: Self-sufficiency

I’m big on using the calendar new year as a reason to invest in self-reflection, life planning, and setting goals. I don’t always reach all the goals I set, but I feel better about myself for having tried. For a long time though, I did no such thing. Every...

Opening up the M/F/M market

Thinking a lot about Kristen Lamb’s recent article about micro-trends. In a lot of ways, M/M fiction is one such trend, and while it is growing in popularity it is still, well, niche. But it’s not the only niche out there with potential, IMHO. I love...

When time slips away in a dark hole…

I’ve been MIA for a while, I know. I had plans and I had road maps and I had dates marked on the calendar. And then…I stopped. I mean, I didn’t stop going to work, or eating, or sleeping. I just tied myself up in a mixed ball of depression and panic...