Cooper West ponderings

Not Dead and Gone…

Feb 12, 2012 | PSA, Writing Update

There is a reason I seem to have dropped off the planet, and that’s because I have. Two things have contributed to that, and the primary of those is grad school. I’m in the last semester of classes, although I will have a very time-consuming internship over the summer as well. It’s crunch time, and I have had to put everything, including my writing career, on hold in order to graduate. 🙁

The other aspect of it was that my last three releases really got marginal reviews, which has made me step back and look at my writing. I love Dawn in the Orchard and Games, and feel they both ended well, but apparently I’m the minority in that. People are upset because they think those stories ended “abruptly”, which is a problem because I did not think so. The editors at Dreamspinner didn’t think so, either. Yet, the readership is fairly unanimous on that point and I’m not so fool-hearty as to dismiss that complaint. Clearly, my stories, which I know are good, are not living up to reader expectations, and I need to address that before releasing the next story.

Fortunately I’ve got a few beta readers lined up to help, which I think will make a huge difference.

Except, I have no time to write because of grad school. Oh the vicious cycle!

So right now everything is in a holding pattern, including my fiction writing and my social life (woe!) while I crank out this master’s degree.

Bear with me.


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