It’s not much of a secret that what I love to do, aside from the actual writing of a story, is the world-building for it. In the past I’ve created wikis for stories that still haven’t been finished and/or published. I guess it would be called “progress” that this time, I’m building a wiki for a book that’s already been published: my popular story The Protector.
It’s not just for that story, but serves as the home-base for all things related to the Guardsmen’verse that I’ve created — characters, places, social roles, bonding, history…all of it!
I’m slowly filling it out page by page, and…it’s too much fun. I really should be doing some actual writing…soon…once I finish updating this one page just gimme a second omg almost done omg!!!!!
Anyway, it lives at Guardsmen’verse Wiki, please check it out!