Cooper West ponderings


Jun 6, 2013 | Writing Update

Right now I’ve got several stories in stages of “almost done”, where they’ve been for a while. I’ll spare you my writer’s block woes and instead talk about direction.

I’m branching out, at last, into a category near and dear to my heart: M/F/M (male/female/male) polyamorous stories. I’m hoping I have an audience — yeah, from a business perspective, one should know they have an audience lined up, but this is more a work of love for me. Of course I want these stories to be successful and popular, but if they only get a few readers, I’ll be happy with that too.

The fact is that the “new” world of publishing allows for greater leeway in experimenting with categories and genres, and it would be a shame not to explore those options because of old rules about what writers are supposed to do. So I’m starting up a couple of series in the M/F/M category, both paranormal (a little…no vampires, though) and self-publishing them.

The reason for the title of this post, “conflictions”, is that I’ve spent a lot of time deciding and considering and re-deciding how to publish these stories. I’ve thought about submitting them to publishers, publishing them on Wattpad as serials, and finally going indie and publshing them myself. Sometimes a plethora of choices leads to a big ball of indecision!

I’ve decided to go the indie route. It’s a little more work with formatting and making covers — I cannot afford to outsource this stuff, at this time — but I like having the control over them that self-publishing brings. Dreamspinner has done very well by me, I love what they have done to package and market my M/M romances, so it’s not about a sense of displeasure with that particular system.

It’s more about diversifying my portfolio, you might say. Heck, I’m even looking at starting publishing non-romance SF under my legal name. Eventually. 😉

In the meantime: keeping writing!

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