Cover Reveal: The Protector

The Protector is the story of widower Alex Taylor. He’s a weredog, which in this world are known as “Protectors,” who are always bonded to their non-shifting companions known as “Handlers.” His husband, Theo Taylor, was a police officer...

Opening up the M/F/M market

Thinking a lot about Kristen Lamb’s recent article about micro-trends. In a lot of ways, M/M fiction is one such trend, and while it is growing in popularity it is still, well, niche. But it’s not the only niche out there with potential, IMHO. I love...

Where Am I?

You may have noticed some slacking on my part lately, and trust me, you aren’t the only one. I started a new job last week. It is in a department I’ve worked at part-time through my master’s degree and afterwards, so it was not a complete unknown. As...

Gearing Up

I graduated with my master’s degree just about a year ago. As I’ve talked about before, it was the end of a 2+ year journey that started with my divorce in 2010 (we divorced in April, I started grad school that August). But let’s face it: 2012 is SO...