by Cooper West | Feb 21, 2011 | Fiction, flashfic
Title: Slumming Series: 8th Ave. Flat Wordcount: 350 Category: M/M (two parts of a M/F/M threesome) Genre(s): modern romance, polyamorous Rating: PG Summary: Jeremy knows he’s just not in their league. ~~~~~~~~~~ Slumming Jeremy knew that his lovers were...
by Cooper West | Feb 5, 2011 | Fiction, flashfic
Title: Mouthy Series: 8th Ave. Flat Wordcount: 300 Category: M/F (two parts of a M/F/M threesome) Genre(s): modern romance, polyamorous Rating: NC-17 Summary: Robin might have her own fixation. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mouthy Robin’s first meeting with Marcus resulted in her...
by Cooper West | Jan 13, 2011 | Fiction, flashfic
Title: Flavors Series: 8th Ave. Flat Wordcount: 250 Category: M/M (two parts of a M/F/M threesome) Genre(s): modern romance, polyamorous Rating: NC-17 Summary: Marcus likes the outdoors, as long as they are on Jeremy. ~~~~~~~~~~ Flavors Marcus licked a long, wet...
by Cooper West | Jan 2, 2011 | Fiction, flashfic
Title: Time for a Chat Series: 8th Ave. Flat Wordcount: 300 Category: M/F (two parts of a M/F/M threesome) Genre(s): modern romance, polyamorous Rating: NC-17 Summary: Marcus drives Robyn crazy. ~~~~~~~~~~ Stair Well Robyn pushed back, trying to move Marcus into her....
by Cooper West | Dec 27, 2010 | Fiction, flashfic
Title: Stair Well Series: 8th Ave. Flat Wordcount: 300 Category: M/M (two parts of a M/F/M threesome) Genre(s): modern romance, polyamorous Rating: NC-17 Summary: Marcus has an hour for lunch. ~~~~~~~~~~ Stair Well Jeremy leaned backwards on the top the stairs,...
by Cooper West | Dec 18, 2010 | Fiction, flashfic
Title: Coffee Noises Series: 8th Ave. Flat Wordcount: 280~ Category: Het (two parts of a M/F/M threesome) Genre(s): Established relationship, PWP Rating: Adult/explicit ~~~~~~~~ Coffee Noises Robin measured the water into the coffee carafe, yawning and squinting at...