I’m Okay, You’re Okay, Wikipedia is Great

As an author and a librarian, I love Wikipedia, and I use it for research all the time. That surprises people a lot, who think that as both an author and a librarian, I should be “better than that.” I’m not better than that, though, because Wikipedia...

Lost Libraries

I don’t think anything brings pain to a librarian’s heart as much as losing a library. Collectively, we still raise our glasses in tearful memorial to the ancient world’s Library of Alexandria, but that is hardly the only “lost library”...

What fandom has taught me about popularity, Pt. 2

Part one was about how a fan’s popularity in a fandom is usually tied to how much they invest themselves into the community, without expecting a return on that outside of their own enjoyment of being a fan. Here in part two, I’m going to talk about why...
I am me. Usually.

I am me. Usually.

We are told by motivational speakers to “be yourself, live your passion.” Which sounds appealing, until the eviction notice hits your door because your passion is staying up late dancing at the clubs (not quite a true story, but let’s just say my...